Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Home Improvement

Watching the developments in the housing market and realizing that our stay in Prairie Village is likely to be longer than originally anticipated, Justin and I have decided to take the plunge and do some much-needed home improvement.

Justin has taken it upon himself to revive the backyard - which, thanks to Izzy and Dylan's attempts to scavenge for food in China, now resembles an interesting combination of a swamp and a minefield. The pictures were really too sad to even post here. Ultimately, this means that Izzy and Dylan must now spend their summer confined to the patio portion of the back yard, thanks to a very attractive mesh fence that Justin will soon be installing around the perimeter of the lawn (much to my dismay). At least he managed to find fencing that was not neon orange. And before any readers feel bad for Izzy and Dylan, remember: their pool and lounge chairs will still be accessible from the patio!

The second project will be a renovation (and hopefully, expansion) of the one and only full bathroom in the house. Those of you who have visited the Richter household probably recall the trippy turquoise art deco tiling that currently covers all the walls and floor of the bathroom - in a large space, this could be pretty neat...but in the 3x5 room it's a bit too much. We're hoping some lighter, more neutral colors will make the tiny space seem bigger.

The interesting part of this whole thing will be figuring out how long we can go without access to our only shower...losing the kitchen sink for a week was bad enough! Gracie, my goal is to have all of this over and done with by the time you move in!!

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