Thursday, October 29, 2009

It is October 29 and....

I still don't have a Halloween costume!! Any ideas?

And apparently, working from home does not protect you from the nasty germs that are creeping around town this time of year. I've been stuck with the flu (although not of the swine variety) for the past week. Bad's turned me into a zombie (maybe I can go as myself for Halloween??)...Good's enabled me to catch up on the last 3 episodes of Mad Men!

Justin, luckily, has been able to avoid both my germs and my Don Draper fanaticism. He is studying diligently for a final exam he will take on November 20-21 to get his CFP designation. Good luck!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Gosh, I just don't have enough jumping babies in my life!

This ought to fix that problem. Behold: Seven minutes of Jumping Catherine.

Hey, has anyone noticed that this blog has become nothing but pictures and videos of Catherine? I mean I love the kid, no question, but I know that there are other things going on in this family.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Catherine Grinter Krankota says the Cowboys suck.

Catherine very much enjoyed watching the Denver Broncos beat the Dallas Cowboys. Also, she would like you to know that she is a Big Girl, and can sit up in her Big Girl Chair.