Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Karen and Norman - this needs to be in American Window Cleaner

This is a niche market that needs to be tapped in the USA. You guys have the industry juice to make it happen.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tales from the trenches

On today's bond docket I had a young girl, about 17 years old, really small 5'2" maybe 98 lbs, and she was caught stealing at a certain discount retailer which can be found in all 50 states, and is the complaining witness in I would say 70% of all of my theft cases. The Loss Prevention officer brought her back to the office and began to take her information when she just went crazy. Hurling obscenities, kicking, punching. The security guard tried to restrain her and she bit him, breaking the skin. Eventually the real police were called and she was handcuffed and thrown in the patrol car. At which point she kicked out the window of the patrol car. AWESOME!!
We're going to try to do some kind of conditional dismissal on this girl because she wants to join the military. Our country needs this girl.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Evening at the Krankota/Grinter household

Short, but awesome. Please note her positively tremendous vintage Avengers shirt. I would saw off my own hand for a shirt like that in my size.