Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here it comes 40 days of fasting and introspection.

Every year I give something up, read something, fast on Fridays, give away what money I might have spent on Friday lunch and avoid spending any money on Mondays.

This year:
-- I’m giving up wine.
-- Reading “A year of Living Biblically” by A.J. Jacobs
-- Lunch money…I never know where or how much I’m going to give – the opportunity always just presents itself – Last year I read about a program that helps people who are just squeaking by (the elderly, young families who are just now off the homeless rolls, people with aids, etc). These folks need just a little help each month for usual bills and expenses in order to maintain a home. They did a study, which showed that many of the people had pets, mostly dogs but some cats too.

Until it was explained that they were not going to be excused from the program the group members kept the fact that they had a pet very quiet. Once it was explained that there could be some pet food in it for them, nearly three quarters admitted to sharing their life and their food with an animal.

I know that this will REALLY surprise our readers but turns out the dogs were instrumental in keeping feelings of hopelessness at bay. The article asked for donations for dog (and cat) food – they got most of my Lenten donations last year. Here’s the link if you want to read more about the program - http://www.ccsdallas.org/Pet-O-Meals.htm

So…lent – what are y’all doing?

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Happy 52nd birthday to Karen today, Saturday February 21st.  She arrived early making JoAnne very happy. It's the last time she has arrived early for anything.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dallas baby news - new ultrasounds.

Ultrasound #3 yesterday. Our little tiger got an A-PLUS. She is exactly where she should be in everything - size, development, etc. She's currently 2 lbs. Still shooting for the June 5-6 range. Her heartbeat is great, and it's amazing to watch her wiggle around and kick during the ultrasounds. She's kicking a lot these days, and you can REALLY feel it when you put your hand on Alison's tummy. Alison is happy she's active, but often wishes she'd take a nap.

On to the photos!

My baby is ROCKIN.

Photo #1 shows just how much of a rockstar she is already, with helpful assistance from noted rocker Ronnie James Dio.

Ultrasound 02/19

Photo #2 has the money shot at the bottom - she's facing forward with her little arms held up to her face. ADORABLE.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Where is my brother?  Are you there?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Flowers, Flowers Everywhere

I met up with Justin at his new office on the Plaza this Friday to set up a bank account, and remarked on a gorgeous display of yellow roses that was sitting in the middle of all the administrators' desks. Everyone looked a little suspicious/guilty and when I asked who the roses were for, I didn't get an immediate answer. Now suspicious myself, I finally managed to get the story out of Justin. As it turned out, one of the wealth advisors in his office had devised a brilliant plan to cost-efficiently celebrate Valentine's Day (they work for a bank, after all - times are tough!). He had noticed that Costco offered delivery of 100 roses for the same price that most poor schmucks shell out for a mere dozen on Feb. 14th. His proposal, to Justin and two other guys in the office: order the roses to be delivered to the office on the 13th, split the cost, and each take home a cool 25 a piece, with no wife or girlfriend the wiser!

But Costco got the dates wrong and the roses showed up on the 3rd, not the 13th. Not wanting to "spoil the surprise" (or, as I suspected, get caught red-handed in their very unromantic of schemes), all 4 decided to keep the roses in the office - 25 were arranged in the aforementioned display, and the remaining 75 ended up being placed uncerimoniously in garbage cans filled with water. Costco apologized profusely for the mistake and promised to deliver another order on the correct date. So it would have gone off without a hitch had I not showed up at the office on Friday, but, I figured, why waste 75 perfectly good roses? 25 are now sitting on my dining room table where they will remain until the next batch arrives on the 14th.

You may wonder why the roses are yellow - the color of "friendship" and not the traditional Valentine's Day red. The same colleague who came up with the plan is the only unmarried one of the four co-conspirators, and, having only been dating his current girlfriend for a few months, insisted on yellow so as not to inadvertently send the "wrong message." Since no one else felt like dealing with the customer service department at Costco - yellow won out!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Laser Surgery

Yesterday (Monday) Ralph had touch up laser surgery on one of his eyes. A film had formed behind the implanted lens that affected his vision. This is not uncommon after cataract surgery, although it usually occurs sooner. This morning he woke up with perfectly clear vision and no lingering after effects. As usual with Carolina Eye, we spent 3.5 hours in the clinic for a procedure that took less than 5 minutes.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Miami University

This morning at 12AM I found out that I got into Miami of Ohio! I am very excited to potentially join Gracie at college.