Sunday, March 9, 2008


After a good bit of frustration, trying to get into the blog on different days, from different computers, standing on my head, and on one occasion encouraging Mocha to bark at the screen, I responded to Uncle Ralph's email about the success of everyone but Mom and Dad. Rick, thankfully, came to my rescue and pointed out the misspelling. Amazing how those extra letters make such a difference!

We've had crazy weather here in Georgia -- warm and sunny changes quickly to very cold and snowy. As a result of this, both MacKenzie's soccer game and David's track meet were cancelled on Saturday. I, for one, was happy for the cancellation, as we still had three other activities scheduled for the day.

The Auburn University concert choir performed all of the music at church today. While I'm not an Auburn fan, the music was spectacular! They sang all of their songs acapella, including Battle Hymn of the Republic, which brought tears to the eyes of some in the congregation. The choir tour committee treated them to a great lunch afterward, and they headed back to Alabama.

Austin's choir has a big performance this evening -- a musical about Daniel. His middle school band will compete in a band festival later this week, which should give them an idea of how their band compares to others in the state. David's high school band competed last week and did quite well, but both boys have elected to drop band for next year.

Water continues to drip periodically into the kitchen from the master bath... we've now received an estimate to gut the bathroom, fix the problem, and bring the bathroom into the present. I hate to spend money. But -- if it gets worse, the thought of my toothbrush falling onto the stove from upstairs isn't so great either... Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Karen said...

I would have loved to hear that music - sounds awesome! Anything a cappella always impresses me.

Oh, and ask me about MY kitchen ceiling collapse in Pound Ridge!!!