Monday, March 3, 2008

Golf Challenge

Yesterday (Sunday) team Finegold challenged team Grinter to a golf tournament.  Despite the many lessons and hours of practice put in by the Finegolds and Karen's new "square" driver, team Grinter won handily by three strokes. Team Grinter has been challenged to a rematch the next time all are in town.


Mike Krankota said...

3 strokes is handily? Karen and Norman - surely you're not going to stand for this smear campaign.

Karen said...

many lessons and "hours" of practice??? how about the number of YEARS of practice team Grinter has logged? How about the number of tournaments team Grinter has participated in? 3 strokes is looking pretty sorry to me!

Norman said...

My butt, Grinters. You two have played more golf over the years than I have hair on my head. Three strokes is nothing...right on, Mike.