Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sad news from Dallas

Susan the cat
Originally uploaded by mikekrankota
Susan Grinter-Krankota passed away unexpectedly last week at age 10. Her sweet Buddha-nature backfired, as we're positive it never occured to her to run from the roaming dog that attacked her. Henry the bagel bravely rushed to the scene and scared the dog away, allowing us to rescue Susan and rush off to the emergency vet in the wee hours.

Unfortunately, her internal injuries were pretty bad, and we elected not to put her through long, complex surgeries with a questionable chance of full recovery. She had really excellent pain meds at the emergency clinic, so spent the day happy and content, sleeping on a big fluffy pillow as we went to our vet to figure everything out. Alison and I were both there to make the decision and snuggle up with her, and she died peacefully and happy, with those that loved her.

Susan was a tremendous cat: happy, lazy, kind to everything but large bugs, and always ready to hop up on your lap and fall asleep. She is very much missed by all, and remembered fondly as the best cat EVER.