Monday, August 11, 2008

New (Sort of) Mac

I am now enjoying my first (and thus far awesome) Mac experience, thanks to Grandpa, who was kind enough to give me his old (although it doesn't seem old at all!) iMac G5. As for why he no longer needed his Mac, refer to his post of July 7, "New Toy." 

Anyway, I finally got it set up and running and it is great, so thanks, Grandpa! Izzy is looking forward to ichatting with Sawyer. 

An interesting side note that Gazette readers will surely appreciate: when I first ran the Mac it was set up with an admin profile of Ralph Grinter. You can set up as many user profiles as you want for your computer. Who was set up as the secondary user after Ralph Grinter? Joanne, perhaps? WRONG. It was Bailey, complete with his own dog buddy icon. Who knew he was such a talented dog?!?