Monday, April 13, 2009

When it Rains

It pours. This was the case both literally and figuratively this weekend in Kansas City, as temperatures dropped into the 40s with freezing rain, and it seemed like nothing would go quite right! First Anne's car broke down (in all fairness, this is probably more attributable to 6 months of no oil changes than to bad luck). It is still in the shop. Then, Friday night, Izzy got very sick - unable to eat for two days and vomiting constantly Friday and Saturday night. Finally, at about 3 am on Easter morning, we decided she needed to go to the Emergency Vet. It was there that we spent the next 3 hours, on zero sleep, waiting for her to get prodded and X-Rayed. She spent the latter part of Easter looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame from the fluids they injected into her shoulder, and we're still not sure what caused the sickness, but she seems to be feeling somewhat better now.

Meanwhile, the rain was pouring steadily in Prairie Village as we cooked an early Easter dinner of ham, mashed potatoes, and tomato casserole. Somewhere in the middle of dinner, a curtain rod managed to pull itself out from the wall in our bedroom, bringing down a nice chunk of plaster with it. Izzy was drugged and grumpy and Dylan, no doubt feeling left out from all the attention he was NOT getting, decided to throw up on the carpet in a show of brotherly solidarity. We crashed at 9, exhausted from 2 days of no sleep and the events of the weekend. No sooner had I closed my eyes than....drip, drip....just the skylight leaking water directly over my head!


Karen said...

sounds like somebody needs "Party Central"!!

Norman said...

Sounds like a wonderful idea.