Monday, April 6, 2009

The Traveling Basket

The baby bassinet that first held a tiny newborn in July 1931 has yet to be retired.  Every ten years or so, the white wicker basket gets stored in someone's attic, forgotten, collecting dust, when all of a sudden a new baby is on the way and the urgency to find the basket is intense and immediate!  Though Emmy Taylor was the last to sleep in the tiny bed, somehow it found it's way into Karen and Norman's basement in Southern Pines.  That's where Rick and Wendy found it - anxious to get it for Ali and Mike's little girl, due to make her appearance in June.  In great shape, but missing the stand, Karen had the basket safely boxed and UPS'd to Dallas, with the assurance that Grandpa Rick (clever DIYselfer that he is!) will make a new stand.  It is expected to arrive today.  WOW.  Someone (this would be you, Mom and Aunt Mary!) really should put together a list of all of the different babies who have spent their first few weeks in the Traveling Basket.  And Mike, I think this story would make a great children's book.  Wanna collaborate?

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