Monday, October 27, 2008

Glory Days

It was Homecoming Weekend at Miami University.  This, of course meant a lot of alumni and a run on hotel rooms.  I had booked our room some time ago, as had Anne.  She and Justin were to be there thursday and friday, and Norman and I were staying friday and saturday.  At the last minute, the Richter's decided they wanted to stay the extra night, but the hotel was booked.  Grace offered them her room, but, well ... let's just say, Anne does not miss college living and was bound and determined to get herself a hotel room.  

The hotel was crowded with alumni "reliving their glory days", as one of Grace's roommates put it, and were getting a bit too rowdy for the staff and some of the other guests.  We happened to be in the hallway saturday morning and overheard housekeeping complaining.  One said to her partner, "if they get one more complaint, they are being kicked out!"  Without skipping a beat, Anne walked into my room, picked up the phone and I heard her say, "I'd like to register a complaint . . ."

Needless to say, Anne got her room.

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