Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sad News

After a long and difficult six months, Jules Herstone (Norman's step father) passed away this afternoon.  Although it is a blessing, he will be greatly missed.  Doris is doing very well under the circumstances.  Norman and I will be traveling to Florida tomorrow to stay with her up until the funeral which will be on Sunday.  Julie is in a better place, probably on a driving range in the clouds!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Please tell Doris that we're thinking about her.

Norman, it's hard to be there for an older person who lost their partner, I know Julie was a HUGE part of every day life for Doris and his absence will leave a pretty big void. She is so very lucky to have both you and Karen in her life.

It's going to be a long road.

We'll light a candle for you.

With Love,