Friday, January 22, 2010

Dispatch from Dallas

Things in Dallas have changed dramatically since the new year began. All of her hard work has finally paid off because as of two days ago, Ms. Catherine Grinter Krankota is mobile! Crawling and pulling herself up to stand wherever she goes, Catherine is no longer content to sit still and play. Mike and I will be spending the weekend tying back cords and covering outlets.

In other, and nearly as exciting news, I started work in the Dallas County Public Defender's office on Tuesday. this is a job that I have coveted for years, and I am having a truly fantastic time defending a large volume of clients without the hassle and uncertainty that comes with marketing, billing, and law office administration. I have a secretary, a team of investigators, and about 85 other attorneys working along side me. I am in absolute heaven, and I hope I stay in this job until retirement.

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