Wednesday, May 27, 2009


A Pontii Update. Being compute r inferior and somewh at lazy has
been an
excuse for a long time. However, that could only last so long.
For those that haven't visited, this is a picture of our home at the Orchards of East Cherokee in Woodstock, GA. We moved in last May, having moved from Charlotte with our home there still on the market. Within 10 after our move, the Charlotte house sold.
We quickly got all of our doctors in line and utilities hooked up. Mary had her second knee replaced the end of July and recovered very well. Mary soon joined a PEO chapter and Jerry found two nearby clubs that played duplicate bridge. We've done a lot of entertaining as northern friends find this a good stop over going and coming from Florida. We have found it great for seeing both of our families, which, afterall, is why we are here. Seeing David run cross country and track and watching Jackson play baseball and basketball have been bonuses. Theater and dinner with Barb and Denis and an occasional dinner with the Taylors have been great. We had a golf retreat with DePauw Delta Chis in Florida in


Wendy said...

Uncle Jerry!
We are so pleased to see a post from you and Aunt Mary. Now that you're tuned in you will see picturs of Baby ... when she arrives.

Karen said...

Good to have you two back!!! Welcome to the blog!