Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome to the world, Catherine Grinter Krankota!

Originally uploaded by mikekrankota
At 8:44 p.m., 5/28/2009, Mike and Alison welcomed the newest Grinter/Krankota. Catherine Grinter Krankota weighs in at 7 lbs. 13 oz, and stands an impressive 1 ft 9.25 inches. Her recorded super powers thus far include the ability to sleep through a lot of commotion (which, YAY) and possibly super-strength.

More photos HERE, and I'll be adding to that set constantly.


Catherine has Arrived

Yesterday afternoon a moderately high but blood pressures (178/103) turned
a scheduled Dr's appointment into an earlier than expected C-section
arrival - Alison is fine, Catherine is perfect, Mike is over the moon.

Ali and Mike welcomed Catherine at 8:41 PM on May 28th. Catherine is tall
at 21.5" and not as heavy as they said she would be at 7 lb 13 oz, peaches
and cream complexion, bright interested eyes, strong grip, nursed like a
champ, curly hair, not much of a screamer, ... altogether perfect.

Rick and I, Chris and Amy, and Kelly and Preston all waited till about
10:00 when we got to hold her. She's beautiful. Wes and Jenny arrived at
around 11:00 (a little fast for the Houston to Dallas trip) and were
equally impressed with her. We are a smitten family.

Mike has put together an awsome slideshow. Just follow the link.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


A Pontii Update. Being compute r inferior and somewh at lazy has
been an
excuse for a long time. However, that could only last so long.
For those that haven't visited, this is a picture of our home at the Orchards of East Cherokee in Woodstock, GA. We moved in last May, having moved from Charlotte with our home there still on the market. Within 10 after our move, the Charlotte house sold.
We quickly got all of our doctors in line and utilities hooked up. Mary had her second knee replaced the end of July and recovered very well. Mary soon joined a PEO chapter and Jerry found two nearby clubs that played duplicate bridge. We've done a lot of entertaining as northern friends find this a good stop over going and coming from Florida. We have found it great for seeing both of our families, which, afterall, is why we are here. Seeing David run cross country and track and watching Jackson play baseball and basketball have been bonuses. Theater and dinner with Barb and Denis and an occasional dinner with the Taylors have been great. We had a golf retreat with DePauw Delta Chis in Florida in

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The nursery is finished!

Baby's-eye-view of crib
Originally uploaded by mikekrankota
After many weeks of work, and lots of IKEA trips, the nursery is complete. We couldn't be happier with it!

More photos here: Nursery on Flickr.

And a walkthrough video here.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Contact Info!

As of yesterday, I have officially accepted a position with a new company called AmeriFlex, headquartered in Mt. Laurel, NJ. It's a wonderful organization where several of my friends already work. AmeriFlex is a TPA (third party administrator) specializing in technology-based, consumer-driven benefits programs and I will be managing their marketing and communication efforts. 

So - please update my contact information: 

Cell Phone: (913)-850-8290

I'll be working from a home office with frequent trips back to NJ until the position has been fully transitioned. The "home office" is still a work in progress, and currently consists of my laptop and our dining room table. But once everything has set up it should be nice to have the added flexibility (although conference calls+barking dogs have been a challenge!)

Monday, May 11, 2009


A highlight of the Mother's Day celebration was a surprise visit from that wandering Texan!  We had a group of friends and mom's gathered for brunch at National, when Rick just sauntered in and took the empty seat next to JoAnne.  We definitely got the desired reaction!

Happy Mother's Day

Cards, flowers, and phone calls!  My daughters are scattered all over, but the "I love you mommy's" were perfect.  I celebrate the day feeling like the luckiest woman in the world.  Anne was here for a special 0ne-on-one visit a couple of weeks ago and treated me to a fabulous facial at the Pinehurst Spa, complete with jacuzzi and strawberry smoothies poolside.  Mary will be visiting in early June, and Grace and I will have a good part of August to catch up before she takes off for Luxembourg for the semester.    

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

JoAnn, I am so happy that you decided to become a mother - and a mother in-law for that matter.

I have had a SUPERB Mothers Day. While Rick and Wally were rushing to North Carolina for the big surprise - I have been having my nails done, shopping (Rick you are a VERY generous fella), watching chick flicks, and generally having a marvelous time.

I asked the kids to send me e-mailed pictures for Mothers Day - I wanted to share the ones I got:
Wes and Jenny

Ali, Mike, and Henry

Ali, Cathrine, and Henry (doesn't Henry look pleased to be an almost brother dog)

Mike and Ali are joining me for dinner and will spend the evening.

Hope Mothers Day is a smashing success at your house as well!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Chunk!

Barkley is SOO cute!  (Pictures speak louder than words) Just a little white, fuzzy chunk of a guy with black eyes and an adorable black nose!  Do R&J know what they are getting into?  Norman and I have already decided that we will take on the roles of doting grandparents and we anxiously await having Dylan meet his new baby brother (?)