Here it comes 40 days of fasting and introspection.
Every year I give something up, read something, fast on Fridays, give away what money I might have spent on Friday lunch and avoid spending any money on Mondays.
This year:
-- I’m giving up wine.
-- Reading “A year of Living Biblically” by A.J. Jacobs
-- Lunch money…I never know where or how much I’m going to give – the opportunity always just presents itself – Last year I read about a program that helps people who are just squeaking by (the elderly, young families who are just now off the homeless rolls, people with aids, etc). These folks need just a little help each month for usual bills and expenses in order to maintain a home. They did a study, which showed that many of the people had pets, mostly dogs but some cats too.
Until it was explained that they were not going to be excused from the program the group members kept the fact that they had a pet very quiet. Once it was explained that there could be some pet food in it for them, nearly three quarters admitted to sharing their life and their food with an animal.
I know that this will REALLY surprise our readers but turns out the dogs were instrumental in keeping feelings of hopelessness at bay. The article asked for donations for dog (and cat) food – they got most of my Lenten donations last year. Here’s the link if you want to read more about the program -
So…lent – what are y’all doing?